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NoteTab Pro Review

Reviewed by Nick Lavoie,

When I first downloaded this software, I though to myself, another HTML editor. I've my share of editors in the past, and I mostly stick with Notepad, but it's has all changed now that I found this editor, NoteTab Pro, which is by far one of the easiest HTML editors I could find, but useful editors out there today. The features on this piece of software are remarkable, and I don't know how much longer I could have lasted without this program.

Ok, you probably think this is some kind of exaggeration, well, it's not. I'm a web developer, and so far, the only way I could design a web page was to either use notepad, or use DreamWaver, to create my layout. Using HTML is much rewarding after the layout is done, but with notepad, you had to save, then run a spell check with Word, then copy it back to notepad, but with NoteTab Pro, it's all built in.

The ease of use of Note Tab Pro is so remarkable, you could just code forever. First time I opened this, I was amazed at all the helpful tools it had, I made a brand new web site, all using HTML, and it turned out to be pretty nice looking, compared to what other editors will do such as Front Page, takes your code and makes it into a Microsoft thing.

This program has a few built in features, which allow you to look up codes, if you forgot how to add a space for example, you would choose HTML on the library bar, and you could look it up. It also has CSS codes, it has an auto correct system installed, and even some smiley codes, which is pretty cool.

notetab pro software - ideal for web developers

One great feature, is the Utilities option. It allows you to stay in the program, and activate more windows programs such as the calculator or Explorer, so you don't have to minimize and go look for it, it does it for you instantly. Once you click on the Utilities tab, a frame will be created on the far left, with all the options you can activate. It's the same for all other tabs.

When I opened my web site in NoteTab, I was able to locate all my code in a matter of seconds. It takes it upon itself, to underline, highlight and ensure that you find the right piece of code you are looking for, and fast. One example, and linked object, such as images, links, and other web pages, are underlined red, so it makes it easier for you to find.

Some other feature I find exhilarating is the 'preview in browser' button. Instead of saving your document, and then opening your browser then having to look for your page, you simply hit this button, and it shows you the page automatically. It also has the 'search' feature, which allows you to search for some code, you may have trouble locating. You simply choose it from the menu, and type in the piece of code you are looking for.

This editor not only allows you to edit HTML, but any of your favorite languages, such as css, js, dhtml, asp, and my favorite php. You can create, and save all your pages, as templates for a jump-start next time you make a web page, and you can practically do anything you would do with notepad, but a lot faster. I strongly suggest getting this program; it's worth every penny.

Click here to download NoteTab Pro 4.86 for $19,95

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